Bloemencorso Bollenstreek Holland 2025 | Flower Parade of the Bulb Region Netherlands 2025 | Information, Route, Tips, and Tricks

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Disclaimer: The images in this article are a collection of floral artworks from various editions of Bloemencorso Bollenstreek.

What is ‘Bloemencorso Bollenstreek’ or ‘Flower Parade of the Bulb Region’ in the Netherlands?

Being the largest exporter of flowers globally and accounting for two-thirds of the world's total floral sales, the Netherlands is aptly dubbed as the ‘Land of Flowers.’ Therefore, it goes without saying, that spring is the most beautiful time in the Netherlands. When the bulbs start blooming in the endless array of flower fields, the entire country transforms into a vast ocean of flowers. It starts in mid-March with cherry blossoms, crocuses, daffodils, and hyacinths. And as the famous tulips blossom in mid-April, the whole country gets ready for the biggest spring festival named ‘Bloemencorso (Flower Parade) Bollenstreek (Bulb Region)!’

Every year in the middle of April, the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Bloemencorso Bollenstreek makes its 42 km journey from Noordwijk to Haarlem, passing by Keukenhof Gardens. For ages, this area's soil and climate have been ideal for growing bulbs from where it derives its name - the bulb region. Several flower parades take place in the bulb region throughout the year but Bloemencorso Bollenstreek is the only flower parade that takes place in the spring and the only one that is made entirely of spring bulb flowers, like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths. It is also the most well-known across the country and among the biggest editions worldwide. Every year, almost a million spectators watch the parade from the sidelines or from official flower parade grandstands.

The Bloemencorso Bollenstreek is sometimes also referred to as the ‘Keukenhof Flower Parade’ as a vast majority of people combine their visit to Keukenhof Gardens with an excursion to the surrounding tulip fields along with watching the Flower Parade from the main entrance of Keukenhof. If you want to know how to visit Keukenhof Gardens or the adjacent tulip fields, please read our article De Mooiste Bloemenroutes van Nederland | 4 Best Road Trip Flower Routes around Tulip, Daffodil, and Hyacinth Bulb Fields in the Netherlands.

How did the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek start?

The origin of this festival dates back to 1947, shortly after World War II and three years prior to Keukenhof Flower Garden's opening. After the war, there was a huge demand for parties and socializing. As a result, a flower parade was planned in Hillegom. The procession comprised of only a few handcarts and trucks decked out in garlands and bouquets along with a local music band. The idea of the floats was first introduced by Hillegom-based amaryllis cultivator Willem Warmenhoven. He constructed a tiny vehicle on a flimsy platform in the shape of a whale and decorated it with hyacinths. The event became a grand success and the next year, Hillegom invited the towns of Sassenheim and Lisse to participate. A parade committee was formed to coordinate the preparations, and slowly more towns and villages joined. Also, the number of spectators kept increasing every year. At first, there were just local visitors, but by the early 1950s, more than 500,000 people were coming from all over the world.

So when you visit the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek, remember that you are not merely seeing some gigantic floats draped in flowers, but you are witnessing a piece of history and an important tradition ingrained in the Dutch culture!

When is the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek 2025?

In 2025, the 78th Bloemencorso Bollenstreek is scheduled for Saturday, April 12. The parade will feature 20 floats along with 30 exquisite cars decked up in floral decorations. Music bands will accompany the procession to give it an even more festive appearance. Along the path, there will be space for hundreds of thousands of visitors.

Three days before, hundreds of volunteers will begin preparing the parade floats on Wednesday, April 9, kickstarting the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek 2025 project. The volunteers work very hard over the course of three days to prepare the parade floats. There is a special light-filled flower procession through the village of Noordwijkerhout on the Friday night before the Flower Parade on Saturday. On Sunday, April 13, you can admire the beautiful parade floats in the city center of Haarlem during the Flower Parade Expo.

What is the theme for Bloemencorso Bollenstreek 2025?

There is no theme for the Flower Parade in 2025. It is left up to the creative teams' freedom to come up with stunning and unexpected floats for the Flower Parade.

What is the cost to visit the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek 2025?

It is free to visit the Flower Parade. Along the 42-kilometer journey, you can find a location for yourself. If you would want to do so while seated and having access to restrooms and food service there are many paid covered grandstands from where you may watch the Flower Parade (more on it in the tips and tricks section below).

What is the route for Bloemencorso Bollenstreek 2025?

The Flower Parade is scheduled to begin on Saturday, April 12, 2025, at 9:30 CET in the beach town of Noordwijk. It will travel 42 km through the cities of Voorhout, Sassenheim, Lisse, Hillegom, Bennebroek, and Heemstede before arriving in Haarlem at 21:00 CET. Along the route, a number of information points have been set up to offer additional details about the Flower Parade floats. After reaching Haarlem, the Flower Parade will be parked until 16:00 CET hours on Sunday, April 13 in Haarlem's city center (at the Grote Markt and nearby areas) to give everyone adequate time to stroll around the Flower Parade floats. This is called the Flower Parade Expo.

Below is the detailed route. Get to your preferred location well in advance because you can expect large crowds, road closures, and parking scarcity.

Trip map created with Wanderlog, the best trip planner app on iOS and Android


  • From 07:45 - Setup at Huis ter Duinstraat / Nieuwe Zeeweg / Duinweg

  • 09:00 - Official start at Roundabout Picképlein via the Grent over the Koningin Wilhelminaboulevard

  • 09:20 - Grandstand Vuurtorenplein via Quarles van Uffordstraat to Van Panhuysstraat

  • 09:40 - Roundabout Van Panhuysstraat to Weteringkade

  • 09:50 - Weteringkade roundabout to Zeeweg

  • 10:00 - Roundabout Heilige Geestweg to Gooweg

  • 10:20 - Viaduct N206 – Van Berckelweg via Van Berckelweg to the Leidsvaart


  • 10:45 - Leidsevaart – KTS entrance (band enters)

  • 11:00 - Center – Jacoba van Beierenweg grandstand

  • 11:15 - Oosthoutlaan


  • 11:50 - Grandstand Sassenheim Rijksstraatweg 52

  • 12:05 - Traffic lights Warmonderweg A44

  • <Flower Parade Paused on Main Street>

  • 14:00 - Departure from Party Center 'de Oude Tol'

  • 14:20 - Sassenheim-north roundabout


  • 14:30 - Grandstand Lisse-zuid Heereweg 466

  • 14:50 - Roundabout 2de Poellaan – De Engel

  • 15:05 - Grandstand Lisse-binnen Heereweg 345

  • 15:20 - Lisse town hall (TV recordings) via 't Vierkant to the Western Randweg

  • 15:45 - Keukenhof

  • 16:10 - Meer en Duin (band exits)


  • 16:30 - Leidsestraat – Arnoudbrug (band enters)

  • 17:00 - Center

  • 17.15 - Grandstand Hoofdstraat 18 via Weeresteinstraat and Haarlemmerstraat


  • 18:00 - Rijksstraatweg

  • 18.15 - Traffic light Zwarteweg (band exits)

  • <Flower Parade Paused on Rijksstraatweg – Prinsenlaan>

  • 19:40 - Departure from Linnaeushof


  • 19:55 - Herenweg 29A (band enters)

  • 20:00 - Entrance Groenendaal (TV recording) via Van Merlelaan and Raadhuisstraat

  • 20:35 - Binnenweg via Lanckhorstlaan to Herenweg


  • 21:05 - Crossing Herenweg – Westelijke Randweg via Wagenstraat to Houtplein

  • 21:30 - Houtplein via Gasthuissingel and Kampervest

  • 21:50 - Turf market

  • 22:00 - Setting up Gedempte Oude Gracht – Nassaulaan

Tips and Tricks

Visiting the Flower Parade

I recommend the following 3 best locations for visiting the Flower Parade -

  1. Noordwijk Vuurtorenplein - It is the best location since it’s close to the starting point and you can expect the least crowd there. Still, be at the location as early as 07:30 CET.

    • Arriving by Car - Arrive early and park your car at ‘Parkeerplaats Wantveld’ (GPS Coordinates: 52.25085, 4.43928)

    • Arriving by Public Transport - Plan your trip using

  2. Keukenhof Gardens - Keukenhof Boulevard in Lisse is the second best place to watch the Dutch Flower Parade according to us. It is situated in front of the Keukenhof Gardens' main entrance. You can take a brief break from Keukenhof to enjoy the Flower Parade, and then come back to finish your tour.

    • Arriving by Car - Purchase your Keukenhof tickets as well as the day parking token (if you are arriving by car) from to avoid the queue at the ticket office. Please be aware that, with all the road closures, the area around Keukenhof will be extremely busy. The hours of closure for the roadways are 14:00 to 17:00. So, we suggest arriving at Keukenhof before 12:00 CET.

    • Arriving by Public Transport - If you would like to take public transportation I recommend using the fast and reasonably priced Keukenhof buses from Amsterdam, Schiphol, Haarlem, Leiden, Noordwijk, and Katwijk. Purchase the Keukenhof bus ticket in advance from

  3. Haarlem - You can ditch the Flower Parade entirely on Saturday, April 12, and instead visit the Flower Parade Expo on Sunday, April 13 in Haarlem's city center where it will be parked until 16:00 CET hours. You can take your time to stroll around the Flower Parade floats. To me, this is a more convenient option with kids. We have often chosen this.

    • Arriving by Car - Arrive early and park your car at ‘Parkeergarage de Kamp’ (GPS Coordinates: 52.37732, 4.63705)

    • Arriving by Public Transport - Plan your trip using

Watching the Flower Parade from Grandstand

A grandstand seat is another option for seeing the parade. There are seven grandstands available across Noordwijk, Voorhout, Sassenheim, Lisse, Hillegom, and Heemstede. Many amenities are covered by the grandstands, including convenient parking, restrooms, and top-notch catering. As the parade goes by, a speaker will offer commentary to the grandstands. The grandstand's location affects the cost.

Note: Because of their popularity, the grandstands sell out quickly every spring. So, purchase a grandstand seat as soon as you can from

Watching the Flower Parade from Helicopter

Do you want a unique experience of viewing the parade? Then take off in a helicopter from a spot close to the Keukenhof Tulip Gardens and see the parade, the dunes and beaches of the Netherlands, and the flower fields from above. To purchase the tickets for your unique helicopter experience, visit

Visiting Illuminated Flower Parade (Noordwijkerhout)

The Flower Parade officially opens with the Illuminated Parade in the village of Noordwijkerhout on the Friday before the Bollenstreek Flower Parade. The Illuminated Flower Parade will begin at 21:00 and travel through the village's streets as follows. It is free to visit the Illuminated Flower Parade and you can admire the floats up close.

  • 21:00 – Crossing Herenweg –> Viktoriberg 

  • 21:10 – Kerkeland –> Dorpsstraat 

  • 21:13 – Dorpsstraat –> Havenstraat (‘t Witte Kerkje) 

  • 21:15 – Havenstraat (official start)

  • 21:20 – Havenstraat –> Koninginneweg

  • 21:24 – Koninginneweg –> Viaductweg 

  • 21:26 – Viaductweg –> Kerkstraat 

  • 21:31 – Kerkstraat –>  Schippersvaartweg 

  • 21:40 – Roundabout Schippersvaartweg –> Via Nova 

  • 21:48 – Via Nova –>  Robijnslaan 

  • 21:50 – Robijnslaan –> JUB Holland

Visiting or Volunteering during Construction Days (Noordwijkerhout)

Do you want to know how the parade floats are constructed? Then go behind the scenes from Wednesday, April 9, to Friday, April 11, at the hall of the local bulb exporter ‘JUB Holland’ in Noordwijkerhout while the Flower Parade is being built. Hundreds of volunteers spend three days creating the parade floats, which are decorated with fragrant and vibrant springtime flowers like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths, among many other bulb flowers. The unique method the flowers are affixed to the car's design is referred to as "stabbing." You may even get to give it a try if you're lucky. What a pleasure it is to watch "your" personal creations during the parade on the weekend. To purchase the tickets visit

Alternatively, you may want to work as a volunteer. It can be fun since behind the scenes at the Flower Parade construction days, there's also a large party going on. You can attend a variety of events in the charming events area while sipping on a drink and a snack. There will be the renowned 'First Steek' featuring celebrities and mayors and a variety of performances on the Open Stage. Also, TV or radio stations may want to speak with you for an interview. The scene is completed by the quaint kiosks offering delectable coffee, snacks, and Old Dutch delicacies. To apply for working as a volunteer, please register by emailing

Other Flower Parades in the Netherlands

If you are unable to be in the Netherlands during spring to visit the Bloemencorso Bollenstreek, you need not worry. There are several other Flower Parades in the Netherlands in summer and early autumn that you can visit namely -

Varend Corso Westland (July)

The Varend Corso Westland parade's exquisitely adorned sailing floats pass through Naaldwijk, Maassluis, Den Haag, and Delft over a period of three days. Every year, the parade features a new theme, and there are lots of exciting events all along the route.

Rijnsburg Flower Parade (August)

The Rijnsburg Flower Parade takes place every second Saturday in August and has music stages, floral-decorated cars, and floats that travel through the streets of Rijnsburg, Katwijk, and Noordwijk. Hundreds of flower types are incorporated into these incredible masterpieces by professional floral designers, while performers on moving stages act out scenes that correspond with the year's theme.

Parade Sint Jansklooster (August)

Every August third weekend, theater, music, and beautiful flower floats enliven the village of St. Jansklooster. Our recommendation is to attend the Friday night illumination parade, where gorgeous lights adorn the floats, making them seem even more enchanting.

Corso Zundert (September) - World’s Biggest Flower Parade

This is the largest flower parade in the world. Every year, the entire village is taken over by the Corso Zundert in preparation of the most amazing floats.

Lichtenvoorde Flower Parade (September)

The magnificent floats of the Lichtenvoorde Flower Parade are decorated with four million dahlias; hundreds of volunteers labor for months to construct the enormous floats, an amazing feat of artistry.

Winkel Flower Parade (September)

The tiny village of Winkel celebrates the Flower Parade Winkel on the fourth Sunday of September each year. Over 20 floats in the Flower Parade are made from more than a million dahlia blooms.

Visiting the Netherlands

Best Time to Visit: The best seasons to travel to the Netherlands are spring (April to May) when tulips are in full bloom and early fall (September to October) when beautiful fall colors are everywhere. The weather is mild and pleasant during these times, and the crowds are generally smaller compared to the peak summer season (June to August).

Number of Days to Stay: Seven to ten days are perfect for touring the Netherlands. This allows you to visit major cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and The Hague, as well as explore smaller towns and attractions such as Utrecht, Haarlem, Maastricht, and the tulip fields. It also gives you time to experience the Dutch countryside and iconic windmills.

Best Place to Stay: Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands, is a great place to start your Dutch exploration. It has a large selection of accommodation options, ranging from high-end hotels to inexpensive hostels. Major attractions in the city include the Rijksmuseum, the Anne Frank House, and the Van Gogh Museum. For those seeking a more contemporary urban experience, Rotterdam is a fantastic choice because of its modern architecture and vibrant cultural scene. Additionally, it is a significant transportation hub that facilitates travel around the country. Den Haag (The Hague) which is the seat of the Dutch government and the International Court of Justice, is home to many historical landmarks, museums, and beaches. For those who like to avoid the bustle of the bigger cities, Utrecht is a wonderful option because of its convenient central location and quaint medieval old town. It has excellent train connections to various regions of the nation.

Best Way to Arrive: Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, one of Europe's busiest airports, serves as the primary international entry point into the Netherlands. It is connected to numerous international destinations. The Netherlands has excellent train connections to its surrounding nations. Amsterdam is connected to cities like Brussels, Paris, London, and Berlin via international trains like Thalys, Eurostar, and ICE. Numerous international bus companies, including FlixBus, run services from different European cities to the Netherlands. You can also drive to the Netherlands by car, especially if you want to explore the surrounding regions. There is a vast road network throughout the nation, and airports and major cities offer car rental services.

Best Local Mode of Conveyance: The Netherlands has a first-grade public transportation system consisting of buses, trains, trams, metros, and ferries. A contactless smart card called the OV-chipkaart is used to board all public transportation. Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS) runs the trains, which are the most convenient means of transportation between cities. In addition to ridesharing services like Uber, taxis are accessible in all major cities. The Netherlands is well-known for its cycling culture, featuring bike-friendly infrastructure and designated bike lanes all around the nation. Cities in the Netherlands are very walkable, especially the central areas of Amsterdam, Utrecht, and The Hague. In cities like Amsterdam, canal boats are a popular way to see the city from a different perspective. Various companies offer canal cruises and water taxis.


So that was all you need to know for visiting the Bloemencorso (Flower Parade) Bollenstreek 2025. Please let us know in the comments below if you enjoyed reading this article.

And if you want to know how to visit Keukenhof Gardens or the adjacent tulip fields, please read our article De Mooiste Bloemenroutes van Nederland | 4 Best Road Trip Flower Routes around Tulip, Daffodil, and Hyacinth Bulb Fields in the Netherlands, or if you want to know about all festivals in the Netherlands, please read our article Netherlands Festival Calendar 2025-2026 | Upcoming Annual Events and Festivals in the Netherlands. Until then, merry traveling and happy shooting!

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About the Author

Shirshendu Sengupta

Shirshendu Sengupta is an award-winning photographer and travel blogger based in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, the Netherlands. His images and articles have been featured in several international magazines, journals, newspapers, and websites.


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